Barry L. Bell
For more than 30 years, Barry Bell has focused primarily on the analysis and quantification of damages in commercial litigation matters. He is experienced in analyzing complex matters; identifying relevant issues, information and approaches; and cogently communicating, via expert reports and testimony, the resulting opinions to interested parties.
Mr. Bell has provided expert testimony in matters before state and federal courts as well as in arbitration. He has provided expert opinions in matters involving allegations of breach of contract; breach of fiduciary duty; fraud; trade secret misappropriation; and copyright, patent and trademark infringement, among others.
Mr. Bell has also led engagements in analyzing damages related to business interruption, dealer termination, product liability, fraudulent conveyances, and professional liability, among others. He has analyzed and/or presented claims for restitution and for damages under reliance, expectancy (lost profits), reasonable royalty, unjust enrichment, and statutory damages constructs.